Selected for a raw reading by the Genesius Theatre Guild April 4, 2004


Love is Blind
Bob Chubon

     Love is Blind fits somewhere on the comedy - dramady continuum, with the precise placement likely resting with the inclination of Directors. It is clearly an adult situation play with it’s underlying theme of unconsummated love, and has poignant moments revealing the trials and tribulations of a blind young woman dealing with her newfound sexuality.

     The one-act play has been developed around a triangular friendship that evolves between Ardis, a college sophomore, her classmate and best friend, Chole, who happens to be blind, and Sean, Ardis’s brother who is a senior and shares an apartment with her. The friendship between Chloe and Sean quickly grows deeper, with neither revealing her or his true feeling toward the other. Chloe’s emotions get the best of her, and she takes the initiative to bring the relationship to the desired level. Her efforts lead to a hilarious scene in which she "cons" Sean into giving her supposedly her first, and perhaps last, sexual experience. However, it ends in disaster, leaving a wake of guilt, humiliation, and frustration. The last three scenes deal with Ardis’s attempt to salvage the relationship between Chloe and Sean. Of course, there is a "happy ever after," ending.

     The play can be performed effectively with minimal staging. Essential components include only a deli table setup, a functional sofa bed, a lamp table and lamp, and a kitchenette table with at least two chairs. There is the option of using a more elaborate set.

     The reading time for the one-act play is approximately 70 minutes.

Copyright © 2001
Robert A. Chubon
6419 Macon Road
Columbia, SC 29209
(803) 776-0784